Working Papers

Outside Options and Labor Supply: Experimental Evidence from the Gig Economy (with Emily Oehlsen)

Outside Options, Bargaining and Wages: Evidence from Coworker Networks (with Nikolaj Harmon)

Winner, 2019 Upjohn Institute for Employment Research Dissertation Award [Dissertation Summary]

[Longer JMP Version]

Bargaining and Inequality in the Labor Market (with Ingrid Haegele and Jörg Heining) [NBER WP]

January 2025 (revised and resubmitted, Quarterly Journal of Economics)

Funded by the Upjohn Institute for Employment Research Early Career Research Award

[Firm Bargaining Survey]

Firm Pay and Worker Search (with Ingrid Haegele and Jörg Heining[NBER WP]

January 2025 (Submitted)

Funded by NSF SES #2242439 

[R Package for Random Coefficient Model]

Monopsony Makes it Big (with Arindrajit Dube and Suresh Naidu) (July 2024, revised and resubmitted, Journal of Economic Literature, draft available upon request)

Firms: Pay and Amenities  (with Ingrid Haegele and Jörg Heining)

Funded by NSF SES #2242439 

Panel Discussions

Panel on "Market Power in the Labor Market" (prepared for NBER Wage Dynamics in the 21st Century Conference) [Slides]