Working Papers
Outside Options and Labor Supply: Experimental Evidence from the Gig Economy (with Emily Oehlsen)
Outside Options, Bargaining and Wages: Evidence from Coworker Networks (with Nikolaj Harmon)
Winner, 2019 Upjohn Institute for Employment Research Dissertation Award [Dissertation Summary]
[Longer JMP Version]
Bargaining and Inequality in the Labor Market (with Ingrid Haegele and Jörg Heining) [NBER WP]
January 2025 (revised and resubmitted, Quarterly Journal of Economics)
Funded by the Upjohn Institute for Employment Research Early Career Research Award
Firm Pay and Worker Search (with Ingrid Haegele and Jörg Heining) [NBER WP]
January 2025 (Submitted)
Funded by NSF SES #2242439
[R Package for Random Coefficient Model]
Monopsony Makes it Big (with Arindrajit Dube and Suresh Naidu) (July 2024, revised and resubmitted, Journal of Economic Literature, draft available upon request)
Firms: Pay and Amenities (with Ingrid Haegele and Jörg Heining)
Funded by NSF SES #2242439
Published and Accepted Work
Outside Options in the Labor Market (with Oren Danieli)
Review of Economic Studies. 2024.
[Slides] [R package] [Twitter Thread] [Publisher's Version and Replication Archive] [Accessing IAB Data]
Tax Refund Uncertainty: Evidence and Welfare Implications (with Scott Nelson and Daniel Waldinger)
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics. 15(2), 2023.
[Survey Questionnaire] [Online Appendix]
[Slides] [BFI Summary] [Policy Summary (WCEG)] [Twitter Thread] [Publisher's Version and Replication Archive]
Uber vs. Taxi: A Driver's Eye View (with Joshua Angrist and Jonathan Hall)
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics. 13(3), 2021.
[Online Appendix] [VoxEU column] [LSE Business Review] [Publisher's Version and Replication Archive]
Panel Discussions
Panel on "Market Power in the Labor Market" (prepared for NBER Wage Dynamics in the 21st Century Conference) [Slides]